Educational General Mental Health Correspondents

Pedestrian Aggressiveness Syndrome – aka Side walk Rage

As students that live in a face paced environment, we can sometimes find ourselves in tiny episodes of side walk rage on the concrete steps of campus. We all experience this so called pedestrian aggressiveness syndrome, especially when the person in front of us is taking a lazy stroll while we are trying desperately to make […]

Educational Mental Health Correspondents News

The Debate on Mental Health vs. Addiction

Mental health and addiction have a shaky relationship in Canada. The concern that is raised by mental health writers and professionals is that Canadian institutions treat mental health and addiction on an equal plane. Herein lies the problem, to what extent should Canadian mental health associations use their resources to help addictions? Some call for […]

Educational Mental Health Correspondents

Procrastinate to Feel Good

As students, we all know what it feels like to procrastinate. It starts with the feeling of of being weighed down by the upcoming task, then you begin dreading the start of the task, and finally you give in to instant gratification by preoccupying yourself with other responsibilities to avoid what you really have to do. […]

Educational Mental Health Correspondents

A Quick History of PTSD

The field of mental health studies is a constantly adapting and changing discipline. New terminology and bettering systems of defining mental illnesses are in constant development in order to give people the best possible understanding and treatment possible. Better understanding leads to better practice, which will ultimately further specialized aid being given to those afflicted […]

Educational Mental Health Correspondents

3 M’s to Exam Success

Each student has their own set of studying tips in order to obtain successful grades. Some may choose to cram, some may choose to spread out their studying. Different studying techniques will ultimately determine the amount of stress one experiences and the status of one’s mental health. Here are 3 M’s that may help students […]

Educational Mental Health Correspondents News

Positive Effects of Exercise

By this point in your life you probably have already heard that exercise helps fight depression and keeps you healthy both mentally and physically. It is well documented that exercise releases chemicals in your brain that help your mood, boosts self esteem, and helps with sleep cycles as well. Not only does exercise decrease the […]

Educational Mental Health Correspondents

Anxiety Off-Switch

Treatments for anxiety often speak of suppressing or preventing anxious feelings. What if anxiety could be turned off like a lightbulb instead? An example of one of these anxiety off-switches is called neuropeptide Y receptor. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin have found a correlation between a decreased number of these receptors and individuals with an […]

Educational Mental Health Correspondents

Improving Mental Health For the New Year

With a brand new year, many of us have already set new year resolutions. Perhaps one goal that has slipped our minds is the goal of achieving good mental health. Good mental health can be defined as having a sense of well-being and being able to rebound from challenges, failures and everyday stresses. Here are […]

Educational Mental Health Correspondents News

Depression – Problem or Adaptation?

After millions of years of evolution, one would think that our brains would have evolved to become resistant to malfunctions like mental disorders. Why then, is depression still so common? According to authors of an article published in the Psychological Review, depression may be an adaptation rather than a disorder. This daring proposal came from […]


Distancing Yourself from Negativity

Life’s full of surprises, some great, and some not so great. What do we do when something comes up that completely shakes up our world? An experience that is so traumatic or negative that even thinking about it can affect our mood and our wellbeing? In “Making Meaning out of a Negative Experience by self-distancing,” […]

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