Mental Health Correspondents

Simple Steps to Manage Daily Anxiety

The feeling of anxiety often creeps up onto the mind. Whether it may be a simple nudge of an unpleasant, stress inducing thought or an avalanche of consuming thoughts, it is often hard to figure out how to tackle the problem of anxiety when we may not even realize it is an issue.

There are a variety of different types of anxiety. While the symptoms vary and classifications hold particular differences, the common denominator of stress, nervousness, and even panic impact most people in some form or another.

Ever had something you could not stop thinking or worrying about? Perhaps a terrible midterm which lingered for days in your mind? Perhaps you’re trying to remove stress from particular situations you’re facing and foster a greater sense of confidence and relaxation instead.

Here are a few things to help you move forward in decreasing anxiety and increasing your mental health:

  1. Figure out the cause behind your anxiety. Find the patterns and this may help you get a greater sense of how to find a solution, what resources you may need to overcome your anxiety, or foster a greater sense of self-awareness.  
  2. Limit alcohol and caffeine from your diet. These substances can often increase anxiety and set off panic attacks.
  3. Find a way to clear your head. Yoga? A run? Listen to whale sounds in bed for a few minutes? Test out a few relaxation techniques to help you calm down and take a minute for yourself.
  4. A laugh goes a long way. If you are really stressed out about something, a simple break and laugh might be a good fix to help you get your attention back on track. On a deadline and feel like you wouldn’t have time to even breathe? Perhaps you just need to watch funny videos on Youtube for five minutes or find a comedy special to watch while you take a short break to ease your mind.
  5. Accept your limits. (Sure enough, it will help you surpass your stress limits!) We are all human. If you feel like the bar is too high and unattainable, it might just be the case (and that is not a bad thing!) From realizing what is possible and what is not, you can hone in your behavior to understand where your energy is best directed. If you are taking too much on, you may want to take a minute to reconsider and make more time for not only yourself, but your mental health.

While these are just simple parameters to foster healthy thinking and living, it is important to note that there are numerous resources to help manage any form of anxiety – from these strategies, counseling, to finding ways to develop a greater self-awareness.

Written by Thalia Lang


Anxiety and Depression Association of America. (2015) Tips to Manage Anxiety and Stress. Retrieved from

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