Mental Health Correspondents

Store your stresses away

We all know that life is not easy. There are always things to worry and stress about, from school and family to work and relationships. Stresses and worries can take a toll on both our mental and physical health. We know that stress alone can’t change anything, and yet we can’t help but continue to experience it at […]

Mental Health Correspondents

Family meals and mental health

In our busy lives, it can feel difficult to find time for family. However, research has found relationships between frequent family meals and mental health. A systematic review shows that, in adolescents, having family meals frequently is associated with lower rates of eating disorders, alcohol abuse, substance abuse, violence, and depressed feelings. Furthermore, having family […]


Mental Illness Is Linked to Increased Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke

It has been found that compared to the general population, people who have had a mental illness at some time of their lives are twice as likely to have had a stroke or heart disease. Despite this correlation, the higher risk of heart disease and stroke may not be caused by the mental illnesses themselves. […]


Association between Vitamin D Deficiency and SAD

Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with increased risk of health problems such as asthma, cancer, and chronic pain, but did you know that it may be associated with seasonal affective disorder as well? Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that usually occurs in the winter. The symptoms include sadness, anxiety, fatigue, […]


Could Laughing Gas Be Used to Treat Depression?

In a recent study, the effectiveness of laughing gas (nitrous oxide) as a treatment for depression was tested. The study involved 20 patients with severe depression and was not responding to conventional treatment. The drug used for the test was half oxygen and half nitrous oxide. Two-thirds of the patients reported an improvement in depression […]


Does Listening to Sad Music Make You More Sad or Happy?

It is interesting how people often listen to sad music when they are already sad. Could sad music make people happier? A study was done on this topic through online survey. The results show that music-evoked sadness actually leads to the rewards of imagination, emotion regulation, empathy, and no “real-life” implications. Also, it was found […]


High Self-Control is Associated with Happiness

It is a generally accepted fact that self-control can allow people to achieve goals and better health. Beyond that, a recent study shows that having higher self-control is also associated with greater happiness and life satisfaction. Regulatory focus plays a role in this relationship. (Regulatory focus is defined as “the way people frame and direct […]

Mental Health Correspondents

Gratitude Works!

Keeping a gratitude journal seems to be one of those things many people are excited to start every once in a while on Thanksgiving or New Year’s, but as time goes on, they start to wonder if it actually works in increasing their happiness and gradually stop doing it because it can feel like a […]


Happiness and Connecting with Nature

Many people have told me that being in nature, experiencing it, and connecting with it brings them a sense of calmness, peace, and wholeness of being human. Even with our new technologies and our increasing ability to enhance or even substitute different aspects of human life, perhaps nothing can replace nature in positively affecting our […]


Spending Money on Strong Social Ties Makes You Happier

It is often mentioned that people are may be happier when they spend money (or provide resources) to others instead of simply benefiting themselves. So, how does your social tie with the person affect how much happiness and satisfaction you achieve from spending money on him/her? A study shows that spending money on a person […]

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