Mental Health Correspondents

Brainstorm: how do I cope with stress?

I’ve been thinking lately about constructive ways to manage stress and anxiety. It seems to me that many people (stress-laden university students included) use worry and rumination as somewhat of a coping mechanism for stress. I know I’m guilty of this. I also know that worrying is a habit that tends to lead only to more […]


Flipping the Switch, or: How Stress Changes Your Genes’ Expression

It has been purported on numerous occasions that stress can have long term effects. Recently, this hypothesis has been compounded by the appearance of studies that have investigated the effects of sustained stress on the expression of genes. The field encompassing the interplay between genes and the external environment is known more generally as epigenetics. More simply, […]


Exclusive: Interview with a Psychiatrist

I was lucky enough to be able to speak with a local psychiatrist to discuss some of the foundational aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. It’s safe to say that there are plenty of myths and misconceptions surrounding mental health, especially the treatment of mental illness. Below is the first installment of the […]

Mental Health Correspondents News

Reflections on Mental Illness Awareness Week/World Mental Health Day

I’ll be the first person to commend and lionize the intentions and motivations behind Mental Illness Awareness Week. It’s an opportunity for much-needed conversations about the stigma surrounding mental illness. However, I do think some improvements could be made. Namely, I struggle with the notion that the most productive conversations are ones we can simply ‘jump’ […]

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