Mental Health Correspondents News

Welcome, Tissa and Kino!

We have two new members on the UBC MHAC Mental Health Correspondent Team, Tissa and Kino! To read more about them, visit the link here. Be sure to check the News section to view their weekly updates from the world of mental health!

Mental Health Correspondents

Heads up, MHAC!

The American Psychological Association (APA) launched a new initiative today that emphasizes the importance and efficacy of psychotherapy as treatment for depression, stress and anxiety. Drug therapy has become an increasing popular choice over the past decade, but they want inform people seeking help that they have a choice when getting treatment; psychotherapy is one […]

Mental Health Correspondents

Hey there MHA Clubbers!

How was everyone’s week? I don’t know about you but I feel like the water-wings are off and we are getting thrown into thinking about midterms, choosing essay topics and the like. This has me feeling a little stressed, but I saw this cool study that I think may be of interest to us as […]

Mental Health Correspondents

Happy Friday MHAC!

¡Hola amigos! This is my first post and I couldn’t be more thrilled! Feel free to leave comments below if you have any questions for me. Can you believe we are already two weeks into the semester? With that said, I hope yours is off to a smashing start! However, I hate to be the […]

Mental Health Correspondents News

Welcome, Jessica!

Say “Hello” to our first Mental Health Correspondent, Jessica! The Mental Health Correspondents are a group of individuals dedicated in keeping us all informed with the latest news from the world of mental health. To read more about the team and Jessica, please click here!


Winner from the MHNA Imagine Day Booth


May 7-13 is National Mental Health Week!


Join Us At Our “Careers in Mental Health” Event!


Welcome, Execs 2012/13!

We’d like to congratulate everyone who ran in the Elections this year.  The following are the results, organized by the President, Kevin, and overseen by Michelle, our Project Assistant: President: Jeff Chua Vice-President, Events: Alborz Massah Events Coordinators: Bailey Komishke, Krista Soo Vice President, External: Canice Ma Communications Coordinator: Josh Sorokin Treasurer: Kevin Ly Fundraiser: […]


Elections are underway!

We wish all of our Candidates the best of luck! Election results will be published at the end of this week on March 9th, 2012! Until then, don’t forget to place your vote (see your emails for more information).

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