1. Hi fellow PDs,
    My name is Stacey Herzer and I am a new postdoc in Jane Roskams’ lab studying epigenetics and adult neural stem cells. I am fairly new to Vancouver and UBC and would love to get involved. I also volunteer for SCWIST and Genome BC, and unfortunately cannot make the agm this thursday. Please let me know how I can help make a difference in the quality of the postdoc experience at UBC. Looking forward to meeting everyone,

  2. Stacey,
    It’s great that you’re interested in being involved! Probably the best thing would be if you could make it to the PDA executive meeting next Thursday at 11:30. It will be held at St. Johns College.

  3. Hi jwinget,
    Thank you for the invite. I will try to make the meeting but we have our lab meetings most thursdays and they often run from 10-12. I think we may have a shorter meeting this week, so I will try to get there as soon as I can. Is the meeting in a particular room?

  4. Dear Stacey, I am trying to track down family relatives that were Richard ,very old of vancouver bc, and bill-William herzer of montreal or toronto canada. If you are related to eitiher of the above or know anything of the Herzers, please answer me in St. Louis MO. My grandmother was a Herzer and traugott herzer worked for the Queen of England in Winnipeg. He is dead. Thanks Marilyn

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