Thanks to everyone who submitted an abstract. Unfortunately we have limited time on the day, so we’ve had to select eight talks, chosen to give a feeling of the exciting and broad research at UBC. We will also have a number of posters at the reception at 4pm; we still have space, so even if you have not registered for a poster, feel free to bring one along.
1.00pm – John Whitlock, Oral Health Sciences “Rapid tooth replacement in sauropod dinosaurs: applying molecular biology to questions in palaeontology”
1.20pm – Marjorie Gonzalez, Physics and Astronomy/Pacific Parkinson’s Research Centre “Novel Analysis Method for Positron Emission Tomography: Applications to Parkinson’s Disease”
1.40pm – Nina Maeshima, Microbiology and Immunology. “Identifying regions of human TLR4 important for recognition of Bordetella pertussis lipid A”
2.00pm – Wendy Adams, Psychiatry/Psychology “Chronic lithium treatment reduces motor impulsivity in rats: Potential role of cytokines” Coffee
2.40pm Ariane Noel de Tilly, Art History, Visual Art & Theory “On the Early Exhibitions of Video Art in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom: Different attempts to disseminate a new medium”
3.00pm – Wei Wei, Medical Genetics “Genome-wide microRNA and mRNA profiling in mouse liver development implicates mir302b and mir20a in repressing TGFbeta signaling”
3.20pm – Junaed Sattar, Computer Science “From the deep seas to our homes – towards a seamless interface for human-machine interaction.”
3.40pm – Michael Yuchi, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology” “Disease Mutations in the Ryanodine Receptor Central Region: Crystal Structures of a Phosphorylation Hot Spot Domain”
4pm – Posters, Wine, Cheese.