PDA constitution and open nominations for officers

Our 2010 Annual General Meeting was a great success – many thanks to everyone who came out and made it possible. The PDA constitution was unanimously voted into being, and is now up on the site under the “constitution” tab. In it, we’ve outlined our mission statement, defined the roles of the PDA officer positions, and laid the framework for future meetings and amendments.

We also began taking nominations for next year’s officer positions – these will be open for the remainder of 2010, so if you are interested in running for a position (or in simply joining the executive committee), please send an email to ubc.postdoc@gmail.com. You can nominate yourself, or anyone you feel would do a good job! Remember, being involved with the PDA-exec isn’t a time-consuming commitment, so think about it… not only is it an opportunity to make good things happen in the postdoc community, it’s also a fantastic experience to have in your CV!

Early next year we’ll compile a ballot with the candidates and a brief statement of intent for each, and hold the election by online poll the week of January 10th-14th. New officers will begin their term on February 1st, and most of the existing officers will continue to be involved throughout the year to ensure a smooth transition.

This has been the culmination of a great year for UBC postdocs, and we’ll head into 2011 stronger than ever. Of course, we certainly could not have done it with out the considerable support we’ve received from the postdoc community – thank you!!!

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