PDA election next week

Whether on vacation or working hard over the last several weeks, I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and new year!

Nominations for the 2011 PDA executive officer positions are still open and will remain so until Monday – if you are interested in running for a position (or in simply joining the executive committee), please send an email to ubc.postdoc@gmail.com. You can nominate yourself, or anyone you feel would do a good job!

By being involved with the PDA-exec, you can help make positive things happen in the postdoc community, and it’s also a great experience to have in your CV. All the positions are described in more detail in our constitution, which you can read by clicking on the “Constitution” tab near the top of the page.

Throughout next week (January 10th-14th) we’ll circulate a ballot and hold the election by online poll, so keep an eye out for that and please take the time to vote! New officers will begin their term on February 1st, and most of the existing officers will continue to be involved throughout the year to ensure a smooth transition. Here’s looking forward to an exciting 2011 –

All the best,

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