PRESENTATIONS (4 – 6 PM): Room LSC3 (theatre)
RECEPTION (6 – 8 PM): Room 1510
Join us for our 3MPS 2015 event on 21 May! No RSVP required. We have presentations from over ten UBC postdocs who are all eager to share their research with you. Snacks and refreshments will be served. We are also very excited to announce our invited speaker, Dr. Jeremy Hirota, who will be be giving a special presentation on the importance of science communication at the event! Please read his short biography below. We look forward to seeing you there!
Dr. Jeremy Hirota
I’m an Assistant Professor in the Division of Respiratory Medicine, Department of Medicine at UBC. On the science side of things: I’m interested in understanding how the air we breathe triggers immune responses in our lungs, and how these can lead to the development or worsening of chronic lung diseases like asthma and COPD. I use a combination of clinical studies, animal models, and cell-based experiments to generate robust data that can be used for drug development or inform policy makers to protect the quality of air we need to breathe each day. On the communication side of things: At the midpoint of my postdoctoral training I became interested in communicating my research more broadly than to just specialist journals and conferences. I wanted to give back more to the people that fund the research we do. One step I took was to enrol in the MSFHR/SickKids workshop on Knowledge Translation which was a positive experience. The next significant step I took was completing the Banff Centre’s Science Communication workshop in the summer of 2014, directed by Jay Ingram of Discovery Channel fame and his partner Mary Anne Moser ( I feel like I’m just getting started – and I look at each opportunity to speak as a chance to learn from the audience and start a dialogue.
Follow me on twitter: @jeremyhirota
Connect with me on linkedin
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