Postdoc Holiday Party at East is East

Sign up by Monday, December 2nd to ensure your spot at our table. We have booked a semi-private room with live music, but only with a limited number of seats. Places will be based on a first come first serve basis.

Where: East is East in Kitsilano, 3035 W Broadway
When: Wednesday, December 11, at 6 pm
Cost: $50 per person (+$2 fee for music and gratuity) for all you can eat “feast” with many meat and vegetarian/vegan and gluten free options.

The UBC PDA will subsidize the event by AT LEAST $10 per person (We will try to subsidize more, pending on our budget).


Register here:

Note that the UBC PDA will only partly sponsor the cost of the food! You have to pay extra for drinks.