The PDA is excited to announce that our popular 3 Minute Postdoc Slam is returning on August 12th from 2-5pm PDT. Register here!
Want to practise your elevator pitch? You’re in the right place!
Registration deadline to present: August 3rd at 4pm PDT.
Want to learn how to effectively communicate your science? Come learn from the experts (keynote speakers).
No deadline to sign up, but registration is required to attend the event and receive the Zoom link.
More information in the flyer and below.
Please share with your colleagues and friends! Everyone is welcome to attend the event*.
*only UBC Postdocs and Research Associates are allowed to participate in the Slam competition.

Our annual 3 Minute Postdoc Slam is a science communication and professional development event. It is a great chance to learn more about the diverse research being done by UBC Postdocs and RAs. In addition, we have two amazing keynote speakers lined up (Drs. Parshati Patel and Jonathan Kellogg) who will share their expertise on public engagement. Whether you are interested in sharing your academic research or communicating science with the public, social media is an ideal tool with many benefits. In her talk, Dr. Patel will walk you through different platforms while discussing the best practices and engagement strategies for each of them.
For UBC Postdocs and RAs, this is a great opportunity to showcase your work and practise your elevator pitch. You will have 3 minutes and 1 static slide to describe your research to a general audience, and have a chance to win cash prizes!
When and Where?
Tune in on Zoom August 12th from 2:00pm – 5:00pm to compete in or attend our annual slam competition and to hear from two science communication experts. Those that register will receive an email with a Zoom meeting link.
Sounds great. How do I sign up?
Please register if you want to attend and submit your title and a 1-2 sentence description of your project if you want to present. We encourage postdocs from all scientific fields to sign up.
Everyone is Welcome to Attend! Although the competition is open to UBC Postdocs and Research Associates only, we also invite Graduate and Undergraduate students to join us, so tell everyone!
If you have any questions or comments, please send us an email!
Tentative schedule:
3MPS_Tentative Schedule