
Postdoc Research Day 2018 – Keynote

The UBC PDA is excited to share some additional details about our keynote speaker at Postdoc Research Day 2018 by Dr. Matthew Dahabieh!

Dr. Matthew S Dahabieh is the Chief Science Officer (CSO) of Renaissance BioScience Corp., a leading yeast innovation and biotechnology company founded in 2013. After joining Renaissance in 2014 as the Head of Research and VP Business Development, Matthew was appointed CSO in January 2017. As CSO, Dr. Dahabieh is responsible for leading the company’s R&D efforts, including identifying novel technology development opportunities, driving intellectual property and patent strategy, building collaborative research and strategic partnership networks, and accessing non-dilutive research funding.

Prior to joining Renaissance BioScience, Dr. Dahabieh completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship at The J. David Gladstone Institute in San Francisco, CA. Dr. Dahabieh holds a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology as well as a Master’s degree in Genetics—focusing on applied yeast metabolic engineering and fermentation—both from the University of British Columbia. Dr. Dahabieh is also a graduate of the Invention to Innovation entrepreneurship certificate program at the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University.

Dr. Dahabieh is the author of 11 peer-reviewed publications and two patents and has secured nearly $3M in research grant funding throughout his career.

His talk will be titled “The Scientific Method of the Scientist-Entrepreneur“. Below is a brief summary of what he will cover:

With job availability and security for PhD graduates more uncertain than ever, it is critical that today’s young scientists learn how to identify, cultivate, and ultimately capitalize on career opportunities available to them. Entrepreneurial thinking is a key part of this skill set and can be applied to any PhD career path whether it be academia, policy, industry, or, indeed, founding a new venture. As the Chief Science Officer of a biotechnology startup (Renaissance BioScience), Dr. Matthew Dahabieh will discuss his path to becoming a Scientist-Entrepreneur, what really constitutes scientific entrepreneurship, and how entrepreneurial thinking cultivates career opportunities.

Postdoc Research Day is an annual event for UBC postdocs to share their research across campus, organised by the UBC PDA. This year’s event will be held on Monday, December 3rd – find out about our careers panel here, and register here. Consider submitting an abstract to present your work – oral presentation abstracts are due 14 November, and poster abstracts due 23 November.

Holiday Party – December 12th, 2018

Note that the party if fully booked, however you can still register for the waiting list. 

Join us for our annual Holiday Party on December 12th at Nuba in Kitsilano!

  • Where: Nuba in Kitsilano (Lebanese, vegetarian)
  • When: Wednesday, December 12, at 6 pm
  • Cost: $10 per person (+ 5% tax / 18% gratuity) for the Sharing Menu. Everyone pay for their drinks.

Sign up here by Monday, December 3rd. We have booked a semi-private room with a limited number of seats. Places will be based on a first come first serve basis. UBC PDA subsidies on the food, so bring your family and celebrate the holiday season before you wrap up the year.

Please contact Ido , if you have any questions.

Postdoc Careers Panel at Research Day 2018

Postdoc Research Day 2018 is coming up on Monday, 3 December.

We will be concluding the day’s formal events with a Panel Discussion on Postdoc Careers. We have invited 5 panelists who have all successfully transitioned from being postdocs into a diverse array of careers.

The discussion will be a chance for you to hear about how they made this transition, how their postdoc experience has influenced their subsequent jobs, and tips for postdocs planning careers going forward.

Our five panelists will be:
Dr. Andrew Hegle, Director of Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance at Cannevert Therapeutics, and Adjunct Professor in Pharmacology at UBC.
Andrew received his doctorate in molecular biology at the University of Michigan and came to Vancouver as a UBC postdoc in 2007. There, he became closely involved with the postdoc community, and organized the efforts to formalize the UBC Postdoctoral Association, expand benefits, and establish the Postdoctoral Fellows Office in 2010. A champion of alternative careers for PhDs, after leaving academia he worked briefly in the biotech industry and as an independent consultant before returning to UBC in 2015 as a cofounder of Cannevert Therapeutics, a startup drug research and analytical services company. Andrew is currently the Director of Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance for Cannevert and holds an adjunct faculty position in the UBC Department of Pharmacology.

Dr. Moslem Noori, Researcher at 1QBit.
Moslem Noori received his B.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering in 2005 and applied mathematics in 2006 from the Amirkabir University of Technology in Iran and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Alberta in 2008 and 2012, respectively. Moslem then held a postdoctoral position at The University of British Columbia from 2013 to 2014. He returned to the University of Alberta as an Alberta Innovates Technology Futures (AITF) postdoctoral fellow from 2014 to 2016 and also spend time as a visiting scholar at Bell Labs. Moslem is currently a researcher at 1QB Information Technologies (1QBit) working toward developing practical applications for quantum computing. His previous industrial work experiences were at CleanKeys Inc and Baragheh Telecommunications Co. Moslem was a recipient of several awards and scholarships including the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship, the NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship, and the AITF Postdoctoral Fellowship.

Dr. Aria Hahn, Co-founder and lead research analyst of Koonkie Cloud Services.
Aria Hahn holds a masters degree in soil science from the University of Alberta and a PhD in metagenomics from the University of British Columbia. Aria’s research interest and commercial interests include multi-omics methods and the design of high performance software and analytical solutions for processing Big genomic Data. In 2016 she co-founded Koonkie, a bioinformatics company that provides bespoke services to clients across industries. Koonkie is determined to shorten the time to discovery in a simple, fast and user-friendly way. Koonkie is now launching a software platform, called Phandi which combines scientific research and data management tools into a single user interface, and delivers results ready to publish and commercialize. As a co-founder and CEO of Koonkie Cloud Services, Aria strives to simplify the path to understanding complex DNA data, so users can focus on discovery.

Dr. Noushin Nabavi, Data Scientist for the BC Provincial government.
Noushin Nabavi earned a B.Sc. in Cell and Molecular Biology and a PhD in Cell and Systems Biology from the University of Toronto where she worked on mesenchymal stem cell differentiation to bone. She then obtained a Siebel stem cell fellowship in 2012 from the University of California at Berkeley to work on the role of Sirtuins in aging and disease. In Silicon Valley, she co-founded a stem-cell company for Huntington disease and was involved in the strategic development and management of the company along with three other postdoctoral fellows. She then came back to Canada as a senior postdoctoral scientist at the Vancouver Prostate Centre and BC Cancer Agency, where she led a three year genomics project on a rare cancer called malignant peritoneal mesothelioma with funding secured from BC Cancer Foundation. She has recently joined the Integrated Data Division at the Ministry of Citizen’s Services in Victoria as a data scientist working on complex datasets to enable the development of evidence-based decision making.

Dr. Robert Judson, Senior Scientist at STEMCELL Technologies.
Dr. Robert Judson is a senior scientist at STEMCELL Technologies. In his role, Robert oversees a research team to develop, commercialize and market innovative products for the life sciences industry. As a R&D scientist, Robert is required to wear many hats and day-to-day tasks can include reviewing new licenseable technologies, assessing IP landscapes, patent writing, grant writing, developing marketing strategies, managing external collaborations, attending conferences and of course, lab work. Robert is a relative newbie to the biotech world, but over the last few years has gained a nice perspective of transitioning from an academic track to the ‘dark side’. Having being recruited out of his postdoc, he was previously training in the lab of Dr. Fabio Rossi (UBC) and received his PhD in molecular biology in the U.K under a Nuffield Foundation fellowship. Robert has, and continues to published papers on a variety of topics in stem cell biology and regenerative medicine and enjoys teaching on a number of graduate programs on a voluntary basis. Robert is passionate about Canadian innovation and technology and is an advocate of synergy between government, academia and the tech-industry to tackle modern-day health care problems.

We look forward to seeing you at Postdoc Research Day to join in the discussion and see the research presentations from postdocs across UBC! Check out the web page for all the details and online registration.

Research Day 2018 Abstract Submission

Abstract Submissions are now OPEN!

Please only follow this if you have registered to present a poster but have not yet sent us your abstract.

Find all the information about the event here.

We invite abstract submission from all postdoctoral fellows and research associates currently working at UBC departments and affiliated institutes. You can submit an abstract to be considered for a talk, a poster, or both. We will accept all eligible poster presenters.

Talks will be 15 minutes in length, including 5 minutes at the end for questions. Talks and posters will be judged, with prizes awarded to the best 3 of each type – $150/$100/$50 for talks and $75/$50/$25 for posters!

First, register online for the event.

The conference will be attended by postdocs, students, faculty, and others from all departments and institutes at UBC. Therefore, it is important to target abstracts, talks, and posters for a general, non-expert audience. The judges will also have a broad range of expertise, and suitability for the audience will be a factor in their scoring.

Abstracts should be no more than 250 words; no tables or graphics are permitted. Abstracts will be selected for oral presentations based on quality, interest and suitability for a general audience, and to prioritise a diverse programme.

Download the abstract template.

Please download and complete the abstract template, and email the completed document to us. To be eligible for participation, abstracts for talks must be received by 6 pm 14 November, and abstracts for posters must be received by 6 pm 23 November.

UBC PDA Postdoc Research Day 2018

DATE: Monday 3rd December
VENUE: Pharmaceutical Sciences Building, Vancouver Campus, UBC
TIME: Research Day 09:00-17:30; Evening Reception 17:30 – 20:00

Register here!

Submit an abstract For a talk or poster!

Oral abstract deadline: 14 November 2018
Poster abstract deadline: 23 November 2018

The UBC Postdoctoral Association Research Day is back, in it’s big and bold format! We’re once again hosting this as a full-day event in a fantastic venue with a large capacity.

The event will bring together postdoctoral researchers from across UBC faculties and affiliated institutions to share their findings. There will be research talks, as well as poster sessions. Prizes will be awarded for the best 3 of each presentation type – $150/$100/$50 for talks and $75/$50/$25 for posters!

To apply to present a talk or poster, please register, then download and fill out the form linked above, and email it to us. Talks will be 10-12 minutes with 3-5 minutes for questions. Please keep in mind that you will be presenting to a general, non-specialist audience!

As well as postdocs sharing their research, there will be a keynote presentation from Dr. Matthew Dahabieh, Chief Science Officer of Renaissance Bioscience, and a panel discussion on postdoc careers with professionals who have made the transition from being postdocs themselves.

The event will be fully catered with coffee breaks, a light lunch, and an evening networking reception.

All postdocs, research associates, students, staff, and faculty are welcome to come and hear about the exciting research being done by postdocs at UBC. Please register online to confirm your attendance.

Contact The UBC PDA if you have any questions.

We are extremely grateful to our sponsors who make this event possible.
Association Sponsor:

Venue Sponsor:

UBC-PDA social: Mt. Seymour Hike + Dinner

Join us for a hike and/or dinner Saturday September 29th.  Register for one or both components here.
Hike details:

The hike will take place weather permitting! Update will be sent close to event time.
When: meet at 9:00 a.m., Saturday, September 29th
We will meet up in front of the kiosk at the farthest end of the upper Mt. Seymour parking lot.
The hike will be the Mt. Seymour trail, which is ~9km return and elevation gain of 450m.  If you would prefer  less or more challenging options, there are other trails  that departs from the same parking lot.
Details: please remember to bring plenty of water, a lunch, sunscreen, a hat, and the 10 essentials for hiking.  We will arrange a car pool for anyone interested – please indicate if you need a ride or can offer a ride on the registration form.
The hike will be weather permitting – we will email all registrants the day before  the hike to confirm.

Dinner details:

When: 6:00 p.m., Saturday, September 29th
Where: Colony Kitsilano (3255 W Broadway)
First round of appetizers is on us.
Details: please RSVP even if you’re not planning to attend the hike, so that we know how big of a table to get.
We will meet for dinner rain or shine!

Contact Ido Hatam  if you have any questions about this event.


Research Day : December 3rd!

Research Day will be back on December 3rd, 2018!

Research Day is a free one day conference for UBC postdocs organized by UBC PDA. We invite all the UBC postdocs to present their work in oral and poster presentation sessions (your chance to win prizes!). There will be a keynote lecture as well as a career panel session inviting reps from local companies as well as freshly started faculty to share their stories in advancing their career beyond postdoc phase.

Registration will be open in October. For the most recent update, sign up to our newsletter and follow us on Twitter/Facebook!!

National Postdoc Association Week

Students are back, and the new semester has begun… That’s right, it’s that time of the year again! National Postdoc Association Week is happening September 17-21!!

Many institutes are hosting events to show appreciation to the hardworking postdocs nation-wide, including UBC. We’re thrilled to inform you that there are quite a few events on Point Grey campus and VGH area. Here is a quick list of events that came to our attention. Let us know if you notice the event of your department is missing!

On September 17 – 21
Faculty of Education posts the special appreciation message to screens at Neville Scarfe Building, as well as on the Dean’s website.
Faculty of Forestry posts the special appreciation message to Atrium screens at Forest Science Centre.
On September 17:
Michael Smith Laboratories hosts Pizza Lunch at noon (@ MSL).
On September 19:
Department of Microbiology and Immunology hosts poster event and social dinner at 4:30 pm (@ LSC).
On September 20:
Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies Office hosts BBQ Lunch at noon – 1:30 pm (@ St. John’s College) – RSVP here.
On September 21:
Department of Asian Studies hosts Meet The Postdocs event at 1:30 – 3 pm (@ Asian Centre Room 604).
Department of Botany hosts Pizza and Sushi Lumch at noon (@ Bioscience 1318)
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences hosts Lunch at Sage at noon (@ Sage)
UBC Postdoctorial Association (Yes, that’s us!!) hosts Korean BBQ and Karaoke DInner at 7:00 pm (@ Royal Seoul House) – RSVP here!
On September 25: 
Department of Zoology hosts Postdoc Lunch at noon – 1:00 pm (@ Bioscience 4223)
Department of Urological Sciences hosts Postdoc Coffee Break with Treats (@ Vancouver Prostate Centre)
Biomedical Research Centre hosts BBQ event (@ BRC)
Faculty of Forestry – details TBD!

Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Scholars / l’Association Canadienne des Stagiaires Postdoctoraux also hosts a free webiner series. The topics range from health/dental insurance and EI/CPP, and career development resources.