
Postdoc Research Day 2017 Program

UBC Postdoc Research Day 2017 is a few days away! The program has now been finalised – check out all our great sessions below. We look forward to seeing you on the day!

View the program as a PDF.

DATE: Monday 4th December
VENUE: London Drugs Lecture Theatre (1201) & Atrium, Pharmaceutical Sciences Building, Vancouver Campus, UBC

Time Session
08:45 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 09:15 Welcome & Introduction
Kieran Hudson, President, UBC PDA
09:15 – 10:15 Research session 1
Jerome Robert, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Catherine Jutzeler, Kinesiology
Hyeju Jang, Computer Science
Jordan Burke, Forestry
10:15 – 10:45 SCWIST coffee break
10:45 – 11:45 Research session 2
Katharina Rothe, Medical Genetics
Stephanie Hobbis, Anthropology
Miling Li, Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Science
Romain Tisserand, Kinesiology
11:45 – 13:00 Poster session 1 & lunch
13:00 – 14:00 Keynote lecture
Lori Brotto, Director, UBC Sexual Health Laboratory
14:00 – 15:00 Research session 3
Paul Pickell, Forestry
Eve Limbrick-Oldfield, Psychology
Murat Kilic, Mechanical Engineering
Sophie Stukas, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
15:00 – 16:00 Poster session 2 & coffee break
16:00 17:15 Postdoc Careers Panel Discussion
17:15 – 17:30 STEMCELL prizes & wrap-up
Kieran Hudson, President, UBC PDA
17:30 – 20:00 Zymeworks evening reception
Drinks & a light supper

This event is possible due to the generosity of our sponsors.
Association Sponsor:

Event Sponsors:

Postdoc Careers Panel at Research Day 2017

Postdoc Research Day 2017 is coming up on Monday, 4th December.

This year, the day will end with a Panel Discussion on Postdoc Careers. We have invited 5 panelists who have all recently transitioned from being postdocs into a diverse array of careers.

The discussion will be a chance for you to hear about how they made this transition, how their postdoc experience has influenced their subsequent jobs, and tips for postdocs planning careers going forward.

Our five panelists will be:
Dr. Nirupa Goel, Research and Project Manager, BC Centre for Substance Use (previously a postdoc at UBC)
Dr. Leslie Grad, Manager, Research Programs (Design & Development) at Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (previously a postdoc at UBC)
Dr. Chayne Piscitelli, Scientist, Protein Engineering at Zymeworks Inc. (previously a postdoc at the Paul Scherrer Institute & ETH Zürich)
Dr. Elizabeth Rideout, Assistant Professor at UBC (previously a postdoc at the University of Calgary)
Dr. Mark Romanish, Senior Business Development Officer at STEMCELL Technologies (previously a postdoc at the BC Cancer Research Centre)

We look forward to seeing you at Postdoc Research Day to join in the discussion and see the research presentations from postdocs across UBC! Check out the web page for all the details and online registration.

Postdoc Research Day keynote speaker announced!

The UBC PDA is excited to announce that the keynote speaker at Postdoc Research Day 2017 will be Dr. Lori Brotto!

Dr. Brotto is a Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at UBC, a Canada Research Chair in Women’s Sexual Health, and Executive Director of the Women’s Health Research Institute at BC Women’s Hospital. She makes frequent media appearances and contributions in relation to sexual health and is a champion of knowledge dissemination.

Her talk will be titled ‘From postdoc to promotion: Making a career out of sexual health’. Here is a summary of what she will cover:

In contemporary times of stress and quick fixes and societal misconceptions about sex, it is perhaps no wonder that a third of individuals experience distressing sexual concerns. This talk will focus on how the practice of acceptance can lead to change with regards to sexual response. It will share the story of how a light-bulb moment during my Postdoctoral Fellowship paved the way for a productive program of research leading to promotion and a book and a number of stumbling blocks along the way.

Postdoc Research Day is an annual event for UBC postdocs to share their research across campus, organised by the UBC PDA. This year’s event will be held on Monday, December 4th – you can find out more here, and submit an abstract to present your work.

Research Day 2017 Abstract Submission

Abstract submission is now closed.

Please only follow this if you have registered to present a poster but have not yet sent us your abstract.

Find all the information about the event here.

We invite abstract submission from all postdoctoral fellows and research associates currently working at UBC departments and affiliated institutes. You can submit an abstract to be considered for a talk, a poster, or both. We will accept all eligible poster presenters.

Talks will be 15 minutes in length, including 5 minutes at the end for questions. Talks and posters will be judged, with prizes awarded to the best 3 of each type – $150/$100/$50 for talks and $75/$50/$25 for posters!

First, register online for the event.

The conference will be attended by postdocs, students, faculty, and others from all departments and institutes at UBC. Therefore, it is important to target abstracts, talks, and posters for a general, non-expert audience. The judges will also have a broad range of expertise, and suitability for the audience will be a factor in their scoring.

Abstracts should be no more than 250 words; no tables or graphics are permitted. Abstracts will be selected for oral presentations based on quality, interest and suitability for a general audience, and to prioritise a diverse programme.

Download the abstract template.

Please download and complete the abstract template, and email the completed document to us. To be eligible for participation, abstracts for posters must be received by 26th November.

UBC Postdoc Research Day 2017

DATE: Monday 4th December
VENUE: Pharmaceutical Sciences Building, Vancouver Campus, UBC
TIME: Research Day 09:00-17:30; Evening Reception 17:30 – 20:00

Event Program

Check out our event report here.

Registration is now closed – Free event!

The UBC Postdoctoral Association Research Day is back, and bigger than ever! For the first time, this will be a full-day event in a new venue with expanded capacity.

The event will bring together postdoctoral researchers from across UBC faculties and affiliated institutions to share their findings. There will be research talks, as well as poster sessions. Prizes will be awarded for the best 3 of each presentation type – $150/$100/$50 for talks and $75/$50/$25 for posters!

As well as postdocs sharing their research, there will be a keynote presentation from a prominent UBC faculty member, Dr. Lori Brotto, and a panel discussion on postdoc careers with professionals who have recently made the transition from being postdocs themselves.

The event will be fully catered with coffee breaks, a light lunch, and an evening networking reception.

All postdocs, research associates, students, and faculty are welcome to come and hear about the exciting research going on across UBC. Please register online to confirm your attendance.

Contact The UBC PDA if you have any questions.

We are extremely grateful to our sponsors who make this event possible.
Association Sponsor:

Event Sponsors:

Another exciting 3-Minute Postdoc Slam!

The 2017 UBC PDA 3-Minute Postdoc Slam (3MPS) was a great success, with more presenters and a bigger audience than ever before. More than 60 postdocs, students, and faculty came along to hear 10 postdocs from across UBC compete to present their research to a general audience in the most engaging way, in just 3 minutes.

3MPS 2017-8.jpg

Thanks to another year of generous support from the UBC Life Sciences Institute (LSI), the event took place in LSC3 in the LSI. Alongside the 10 talks, judged by 3 faculty members from different academic institutions, there was an engaging and extremely useful feature presentation on science communication by Dr. Jenn Gardy, and a short talk on opportunities from Mitacs.

Following a brief introduction to the UBC PDA and an explanation of the rules from Kieran, the PDA President, the competition got under way. Competitors were allowed just 3 minutes to present their research projects using a single slide, with no animations, transitions, or moving media. A variety of approaches were taken, from slides with multiple detailed figures to just single images. The full list of the presenters and presentation titles is given at the end of this post.

After the first five presenters, Amin Aziznia from Mitacs gave his own 3-minute presentation explaining the funding and training opportunities available to postdocs at UBC. Following a coffee break to allow for some energetic discussions, the final five presenters gave their talks. Dr. Gardy, from UBC’s School of Population and Public Health, concluded the event with her presentation, entitled ‘A very, very short course in science communication’. Dr. Gardy is a science communicator extraordinaire, who has given many public lectures, presented several television programmes, and has thousands of followers on social media, and her talk contained tips useful for everyone from new graduate students to experienced faculty.

Dr. Gardy also judged the 3-minute presentations, along with Dr. Mahda Jahromi, from the British Columbia Institute of Technology, and Prof. Dr. Roland Herzog, who is currently visiting UBC from Technische Universität Chemnitz. All the presentations were extremely high quality, with 3rd to 7th places in the scoring separated by less than 1 point. The judges also made comments and suggestions that were passed to each presenter after the competition.

The winners were announced at a fully catered reception, generously supported by the BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute, where networking and many more discussions took place.

The UBC PDA Executive Team would like to congratulate the three winners, thank all the participants for making this an excellent event, and thank the three judges and the audience for supporting us. We hope everyone enjoyed themselves, and look forward to seeing you at future UBC PDA events!

The 2017 UBC PDA Executive Team

The winners:
1st Place ($100) – Will Burt

2nd Place ($75) – Beniamin Zahiri

3rd Place ($50) – Christine Anderl

The presenters:
Amanda Haage, Department of Cellular & Physiological Sciences
‘Talin Autoinhibition Regulates Cell Behavior & Migration’
Amir Sharafian, Department of Mechanical Engineering
‘Methane Planet’
Fiona Choi, Department of Psychiatry
‘Mass Trauma and Mental Health’
Willis Monroe, Department of Asian Studies
‘Quantifying the History of Religion’
Rahul Sachdeva, International Collaboration of Repair Discoveries
‘Combined Regenerative and Rehabilitative Strategy for Cardiovascular Recovery after Spinal Cord Injury’
Beniamin Zahiri, Department of Mechanical Engineering
‘Smart Stimuli Responsive Surfaces – A Multifunctional Material’
Mohamed Elgendi, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
‘Help Me Help My Body: Visualization of Biosignals’
Christine Anderl, Department of Psychology
‘It’s the hormones talking…’
Will Burt, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
‘Why is the ocean……green?!’
Navid Khosravi-Hashemi, School of Kinesiology
‘Galvanic vestibular stimulation as a pain management method’

Event supported by:

Catered reception supported by:

SFU Postdoctoral Research Day 2017

From Curiosity to Community Engagement

Thursday, March 30 | 9am – 5pm
Big Data Hub Theatre, ASB 10900, SFU Burnaby

More details and registration.

SFU postdoctoral fellows are immersed in every step of the research process. Some of us scratch our heads and ask “Why… .” Some of us sit and whisper “What if… .” Some of us proclaim “How can I make this benefit… .” All of us push the boundary of what is known and has been done before, and Research Day 2017 will celebrate these achievements.

The day will include talks, posters, exhibits, inventions and more, all presented by members of the SFU postdoctoral community! We also feature a keynote address by Dr. Pascal Haegeli, from SFU’s School of Resource and Environmental Management (REM), on avalanche research and community engagement.

Watch the talks, explore the exhibits, be part of the community. Come and learn about how SFU Postdocs are changing the world!

All postdocs, research associates, graduate students, faculty and interested members of the community are welcome.

SFU Postdoc Research Day will be held on Thursday, March 30, 2017 at the Burnaby Campus, in the Big Data Hub theatre, ASB 10900 (formerly known as IRMACS Theatre). Additional details available in here [.pdf] and online.

PDA Research Day 2016


We are excited to announce that we are holding our annual Research Day on Thursday November 24, 2016! This half-day mini conference is our flagship event every year. This is a great opportunity to showcase your research and network with individuals from diverse departments at UBC and industry.

Presentations (2:15 – 4PM LSC3 Theatre)
Posters and reception after the oral presentations (LSC Atrium)

If you are a UBC affiliated postdoc or research associate and would like to make a 10 minute oral presentation or a poster presentation, please submit your abstract here (oral presentation deadline: 1st November, poster presentation deadline: 18th November).

Attendance is free and open to all interested parties. Please RSVP here, by 23 November. Space is limited (last year we had a wait list), so please sign up early to avoid disappointment! Cash prizes to be won and drinks and refreshments will be served.

Special speaker: Bobbi Lambright

Bobbi Lambright profile picPathways To Success

DATE: Monday, May 2                  

TALK + Q&A: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

MEET-AND-GREET: 2:00 – 2:30 PM

LOCATION: Room LSC3 (lecture theatre)

Please contact us if you have any questions!

In over three decades as a top leader in a wide range of business roles and environments, Bobbi Lambright has started companies, merged organizations and consistently delivered excellent customer service and shareowner results.  A former journalist, Bobbi has followed an unconventional career path to success and learned some important lessons along the way.  She has been recognized for her communication and leadership skills through national and international awards to companies under her direction.

Bobbi will join us on May 2nd to share some insights from her journey,  giving an insider’s view of what’s behind business trials and triumphs and offering ideas and suggestions on how to make opportunities out of challenges.  She will share some of the lessons learned from mentors, customers and employees and looks forward to a lively discussion following the presentation.

Speaker Biography

Bobbi was appointed Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer for ATCO Australia in July 2015. She has held progressively senior positions since joining the ATCO Group of Companies in 1986, most recently as President, Distribution Division, ATCO Electric in Canada. She is also Chair of the ATCO Structures and Logistics Board in Australia and is involved across the full spectrum of ATCO’s Australia based businesses. With her extensive experience in regulated utility operations, Bobbi is responsible for leading and delivering strategic growth initiatives of ATCO’s utilities and energy businesses Australia-wide, through her sharp focus on customer service and her development of competitive, cost-effective products and services.

You can add this event to your Google Calendar by clicking on the button below. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the entire calendar, with all our events, here!

PDA Postdoc Talks: 16 February 2016

Details for the event:
The Railway Club – 579 Dunsmuir St. at Seymour
Tuesday, November 16th at 7:00pm
RSVP for our event here

Postdoctoral researchers are critical to the research performed at academic institutions. UBC ‘Postdoc Talks’ is a public forum that will allow you to learn more about what postdocs do in an engaging, informal and fun atmosphere. Everyone is welcome, so share the word with your friends and family!

Please click on the links below for more details regarding our two speakers and their talks! Follow the links for a summary of the speakers’ presentations.
Dr. Timo Schaefer:
Liberalism as Utopia: Mexico in the Age of Revolution, 1820-1846
Dr. Britt Drögemöller:
A genetic prescription – using genomics to personalize medicine