
ShakeOut BC

The University is participating in ShakeOut BC on October 20 at 10:20 a.m. and would like everyone on campus to practice “Drop, Cover and Hold” and learn what to do in the event of an earthquake.   ShakeOut BC is the largest earthquake drill in Canadian History. Earlier this year, more than 470,000 people participated in the first ShakeOut BC. The drill will be on the third Thursday of October annually.

Even though there haven’t been large earthquakes along the coast in recent years, small earthquakes happen often. More than 1,200 are recorded each year across the province.

For more information on how to participate in ShakeOut BC and emergency preparedness, visit www.riskmanagement.ubc.ca


Procrastination Can Be Good Too? Do Tell…

By Jeremiah Carag, Residence Advisor

It’s the time for midterm exams again.  I know that most of you out there are going to pull off those all nighters to make sure you get the grade you’re aiming for.  When these times come, the P word (aka PROCRASTINATION) gets a bad name but do you know that in moderation, it is actually good for you? Continue reading


My Top Five Places to Study

by Jonathan Chan, Residence Advisor

So, three weeks have gone by and midterms are beginning to rear their ugly heads once again. Now that Irving has proven to be ineffective year after year, it’s time to look into some new spots to study. Read on if you would like to free yourself from the incessant chatter of couples breaking up while eating extremely smelly food in the middle of IKB. Continue reading


The Greenest of Green at UBC

by Roshni D’Souza

What kind of building can 37 million dollars buy you? The most sustainable, innovative and high performance building in North America also known as the Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability (CIRS). If you haven’t yet checked out this gem at UBC, there is no better time than the present. Continue reading


Life-Hacking…what’s the deal

By Kelli Armstrong, Residence Advisor

I recently heard the term “life hacking” and wasn’t entirely sure what it meant. Luckily, the ever-so-reliable UrbanDictionary helped me out….”Life Hacking: the act of making small tweaks to everyday activities in an effort to make them easier and more efficient”. I compiled a list of 10 Life Hacks that may come in handy one day….and if they ever do, make sure to let me know! Continue reading


Sleeping around: All about Naps!

by Eden Imbeau, Residence Advisor

Sleeping around campus in university life is unavoidable. With a high stress work load it’s the perfect way to relax, rejuvenate, and return to your hectic day. It’s something we all think about in class and can’t get enough of at night – napping that is.    Continue reading


From the Nurse in Rez: Cold or Flu? Do you know?

The cold and flu season is almost upon us again.  A 2008 UBC health survey found that 33% of students felt colds and flus impacted their academics.  Did you know there are many things you can do to stay healthy during this time of year?  The influenza vaccine is the best way to prevent the flu and UBC Student Health Service offers influenza vaccine clinics every November.  There might be a cost to the vaccine for those who are healthy, but your UBC student plan provides $150.00 vaccine coverage yearly.  It is also important to get adequate sleep, eat healthfully, wash your hands and stay home when ill, especially when you have a fever.  If you don’t have a thermometer, pick one up the next time you are at a pharmacy.  For more information about influenza check-out Health Link BC.


Feeling lonely?

This is a time of transistion.  The weather is changing and fall is starting.  You have recently moved into a new room, have new people around you.  It’s natural to feel a little lonely sometimes.

Here are some things that you can do to meet new people and make some new friends:

1.  Organize a meal with your roommates and get to know each other beyond “hi” and “bye”.

2. Join in a gage event.  (Grouse Grind Sept 24, Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-up Sept 25 to name a few)

3. The commonsblock will open in a few weeks so come down to “west tower” and hang out, watch a movie or play some games.

4.  Join a UBC Club.  Club days are happening soon.

5. Talk with Elizabeth the Nurse in Residence.  She’s in the commonsblock on Mondays from 4:30 – 7pm.


Need more suggestions? Chat and reach out to a residence advisor.




Bike Safety

Bicycles are stolen regularly at UBC.  You can protect your property by following these steps:

  • Using a strong lock.  UBC Campus Security has suggestions about locks here:
  • Lock your bike to a rack and make sure that your lock goes through the frame of your bike, not just the tire.
  • Engrave your bike and record the information, this makes your bike less attractive and more likely to be recovered if it is stolen.  The Bike Kitchen can engrave your bike for you.  Keep a photo of your bike so that you can claim and describe it if necessary.
  • Use a used bike.  If you are using your bike to get around campus, you won’t need all of the bells and whistles of a new bike.  Make your bike less of a target.
  • Register for secure bike parking in the North Parkade at the Bike Kitchen