British Columbia: Teachers’ ruling to be challenged

by E Wayne Ross on September 30, 2005

Vancouver Sun: Teachers’ ruling to be challenged
Employers’ association seeks to appeal right to post political material

Neal Hall
Vancouver Sun

September 30, 2005

The B.C. Public School Employers’ Association announced Thursday that it plans to appeal an earlier court ruling that upheld the constitutional right of B.C. teachers to post union political material in public areas of schools and hand out union brochures.

The BCPSEA plans to file material Monday in the Supreme Court of Canada seeking leave to appeal a B.C. Court of Appeal ruling last Aug. 3.

In a 2-1 ruling, the B.C. Appeal Court upheld the arbitration award of Don Munroe on the freedom of speech for teachers. It also upheld the right of teachers to discuss their union’s political position with parents during parent-teacher conferences.

The B.C. Teachers’ Federation takes the position that the employers’ association is seeking leave to appeal to try to silence the voices of teachers instead of discussing the issues of class size, class composition and staffing levels.

BCPSEA says it does not takes issue with a teachers’ right to become involved in political debate, but takes the position that political campaigning should be kept out of the classroom, out of parent-teacher meetings and not be done during working hours.

It may take months before the Supreme Court of Canada decides whether to allow the appeal. The court only hears cases that have national importance.

The BCPSEA said in a prepared statement: “We believe that the issue of a public employee’s right to express their political views during working hours is one of national significance.”

The issue first arose from the BCTF’s job action plan during collective bargaining in 2002, when “report cards” were distributed at parent-teacher interviews, comparing class size and the number of teachers employed before and after the legislation of the current collective agreement.

Teachers also posted notices at schools on public bulletins boards with such titles as Our Children’s Education is Threatened and What’s at Stake for B.C. Students.

© The Vancouver Sun 2005