British Columbia Teachers’ Federation recommends acceptance of recommendations to end strike

by E Wayne Ross on October 22, 2005

BCTF recommends acceptance of Ready recommendations

The Executive Committee of the B.C. Teachers’ Federation will be recommending acceptance of the settlement package put forward by facilitator Vince Ready.

“We are deeply disappointed that the government did not see fit to agree to a letter that would confirm its commitment to class size limits for students in Grades 4 to 12 and to addressing class composition problems,” said BCTF President Jinny Sims.

“However, we know that parents share our determination to achieve improved learning conditions for students. So we are confident that government will enshrine in the School Act these much-needed improvements to benefit all children in B.C. schools,” Sims said.

She added that teachers throughout B.C. would be holding the Liberal government accountable for its actions in implementing the improvements it had committed to through the Ready recommendations.

This weekend teachers will attend local meetings in school districts throughout the province. They will hear detailed information about Ready’s package, will consider the recommendation from their executive committee, and will vote by secret ballot.

The result will be reported out by the BCTF as soon as votes are counted on Sunday evening. Sims will be available to the media after results have been communicated to teachers.