Korea: Should professors’ union be legalized?

by E Wayne Ross on November 8, 2005

Donga – Seoul, South Korea: Should professors’ union be legalized?

The existing Teachers’ Union Act has an equitability issue because teachers who are not covered by the Primary and Secondary Education Act are excluded. “We should allow university professors to form a labor union to make it possible for them as workers to improve their working conditions and enhance their economic and social status,” said lawmaker Rep. Lee to explain the rationale for amending the Teachers Union


Biju Longhinos 03.22.06 at 11:14 am

It is quite meaningful to have teacher association, that could gear the nation into intellectual heights.
I’m a teacher activist in India. I would like to communicate with teacher activist in Korea. Plz do contact me at

with regards

biju Longhinos 04.18.06 at 12:19 am

Reading through the detailed part of the submission on professor’s union, to me, it looks like the act is meant to develop a group among teachers, who would remain puppet to the authorities. Teachers or Professors, being in teaching profession is supposed to use their intellect freedom, which is an academic right. Intellect freedom, never confines one to act or respond within the limits determined by officials. Therefore, if following by the principles of Academic values, no authorities can ban teachers from joining a union as well as to express his feelings through it, either in the form of demostrations or strikes or even through any other sorts of protests. Limiting professors’ unions from exercising this right, means the country give less importance to academic and intellect freedom, which is needed for a productive growth of society. With this law, that is in discussion here, Korea would land into an inward looking society….
Profficient teachers should oppose the very move to limit the right to express/ right to strike…

biju longhinos
** I’m a professor of geology and an union activist in India. interested to be in communication with teachers of Korea… Please do write to me…. but in English..(Please)


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