Is Higher Education Like Thoroughbred Wagering?

by E Wayne Ross on January 28, 2006

The Yorktown Patriot: Is Higher Education Like Thoroughbred Wagering?

Sports columnist and thoroughbred racing analyst, Andrew Beyer, writes in today’s Washington Post about the revolution in computer-based wagering and its implications for thoroughbred racing:

“If racetracks have not responded to this challenge, it is partly because their grandstands are still populated by an aging clientele that is not computer-savvy and has grown up with the habit of going to a track to bet horses. But if American racing is going to attract new fans, they will be members a generation accustomed to shopping, banking, investing and playing poker online. As the quality of streaming video has improved, making horse racing a viable game for the computer, Hasson said, “The fastest growing segment of our business is 21- to 28-year-olds, the younger generation that has adopted technology.”