AAUP reports on unfair dismissals

by E Wayne Ross on May 15, 2006

Inside Higher Ed: AAUP reports on unfair dismissals

When the American Association of University Professors criticizes college administrations for violating the academic freedom of faculty members, administrators sometimes respond that the AAUP is backing politically correct faculty members who don’t care about quality. And when those findings are at religious institutions, a frequent refrain from the colleges involved is that the AAUP isn’t sufficiently sympathetic to the missions of faith-based colleges.

In reports issued this weekend, the AAUP faulted the way professors were treated at Greenville College and New Mexico Highlands University — and the nature of the findings may be surprising. At Greenville, a liberal arts college in Illinois that is affiliated with the Free Methodist Church, the AAUP is backing a professor who was fighting what he saw as a willingness of the college and its faculty to move away from religious orthodoxy. At New Mexico Highlands, the association is backing professors whose tenure cases reinforced the views of some on the campus that Hispanic candidates were being favored and that affirmative action goals were denying promotions to deserving white candidates.