Federal Agency Files Retaliation Lawsuit on Behalf of Florida Professor

by E Wayne Ross on July 12, 2006

The Chronicle: Federal Agency Files Retaliation Lawsuit on Behalf of Florida Professor

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has filed a lawsuit on behalf of a professor at Florida Gulf Coast University who contends that the institution retaliated against him when he complained that he was being demoted because of his age.

The suit, filed on June 30 in U.S. District Court in Fort Myers, Fla., contends that in 2004 the university suggested that the professor, Johnny E. McGaha, be reassigned from his job as dean of the College of Professional Studies to become executive director of the university’s Cape Coral Center, which offers courses off the university’s main campus. Mr. McGaha, who was then 62 years old, said he did not want to make the change — in part because the position paid $11,000 a year less — and he questioned whether the university wanted him to do so because of his age. The university then dropped the idea of making him executive director, the suit says, and demoted him to professor of criminal justice.