Detroit teachers ordered back to work

by E Wayne Ross on September 9, 2006

Detroit Free Press: Judge: Back to class

A judge ordered Friday that 7,000 striking Detroit teachers return to the classroom without a new contract, agreeing with administrators that the state’s largest school district will be crippled and its students’ educations irreparably harmed if the 12-day work stoppage was allowed to continue.

Boston Globe: Detroit teachers ordered back to work

A judge on Friday ordered Detroit Public Schools teachers back to work after the district and the teachers union could not reach a tentative labor agreement despite nearly continuous negotiations. Wayne County Circuit Judge Susan Borman said she had “hoped and was given hope” that the two sides could reach an agreement, but that the teacher’s 12-day-old strike threatened to irreparably harm Michigan’s largest school district. Borman said the teachers must return to work by Monday. She also ordered the district and the 9,000-member Detroit Federation of Teachers to continue negotiating at least 12 hours per day through the weekend.

Detroit Free Press: Parents support return to class

Relief and solidarity were two competing emotions Detroit parents expressed as they prepared to send their children back to school on Monday — a week after the first scheduled day of classes.