Northwestern Pres interview with People’s Daiy

by E Wayne Ross on December 20, 2006

People’s Daily Online: US foreign policy should not steer higher education

Founded in 1851, Northwestern University is a private institution and one of the best universities in America. According to America’s Best Colleges 2007 by the US New and World Report, Northwestern University was ranked 14th among national universities in America. Its Kellogg School of Business was ranked 4th among America’s 2007 top business schools by the US News. Its Medill School of Journalism is one of the best J-schools in America. Recently Yong Tang, People’s Daily Washington-based correspondent, did an exclusive written interview with Henry S. Bienen, President of Northwestern University.

Yong Tang: Why is American higher education so strong and unchallengeable in the world?

Bienen: American higher education is strong but not unchallengeable in the World. There are challenges from Europe and increasingly from India and China. American higher education is strong for many reasons. Here are my main ones: American higher education brings together teaching and research, teaching is a serious component for major research universities; American higher education is very open, we look for the best students and faculty wherever they come from, our campuses are open for free discussion of all ideas; Up till now, both private donors and the Federal Government have been very generous in financial support for higher education.