Texas: Perry signals he wants top TSU official impeached

by E Wayne Ross on April 28, 2007

Houston Chronicle: Texas: Perry signals he wants top TSU official impeached

Gov. Rick Perry moved to impeach the chairwoman of Texas Southern University’s governing board Friday after she refused to resign immediately and defiantly scheduled a meeting of regents.

For the first time in six years as governor, Perry initiated the impeachment process by formally notifying the state Senate of his desire to remove Belinda Griffin from the post he gave her in 2003.

The decision came on the same day two Houston lawmakers introduced bills that would allow the governor to replace a university’s board of regents in times of crisis with a smaller, reform-minded board for up to one year. That proposal is intended as a compromise with Perry, who two weeks ago asked lawmakers to grant him the power to appoint a sole conservator in charge of TSU.