Roger Bowen to Consult for Governing-Boards Group After He Leaves AAUP

by E Wayne Ross on May 14, 2007

The Chronicle News Blog: Roger Bowen to Consult for Governing-Boards Group After He Leaves AAUP

Roger W. Bowen — who as general secretary of the American Association of University Professors has represented the interests of faculty members for the last three years — will jump the fence this fall, when he becomes a part-time consultant for the Association of Governing Boards, which represents trustees and campus chief executives.

Mr. Bowen says he’ll visit colleges that are having governance problems with the hope of “making peace.” Will it be hard to bat for the opposite team? “My approach is and always has been rather more communitarian,” he says. “Governing boards, administrators, and faculty have to be able to work together to have effective governance.”

Mr. Bowen is due to step down from his AAUP post on June 30. The consulting post will allow him to live full time at his second home, on the coast of Maine, where he’ll work on writing a book on academic freedom and on a cold-war spy novel. —Robin Wilson
Posted on Monday May 14, 2007 | Permalink