Taking on the Economics of Gender Inequity

by E Wayne Ross on December 13, 2007

The Washington Post: Taking on the Economics of Gender Inequity

In the world of economic theory, Columbia University’s Graciela Chichilnisky is an A-list star.

Nobel laureates laud her work and call her brilliant; some economists credit her with an important economic theory. She is involved in the economics of fighting global warming internationally, and she was recently elected to the university senate.

Prof. Graciela Chichilnisky of Columbia University, shown above on the school’s campus in New York, is a world-renowned economist who has been fighting with her employer over pay and other gender equity issues for 16 years. Below, Chichilnisky leads a class.
Prof. Graciela Chichilnisky of Columbia University, shown above on the school’s campus in New York, is a world-renowned economist who has been fighting with her employer over pay and other gender equity issues for 16 years. Below, Chichilnisky leads a class. (Photos By Helayne Seidman For The Washington Post)
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Chichilnisky is also embroiled in a bitter 16-year fight, including two lawsuits and a countersuit, against the Ivy League school where she teaches. She says she has been a victim of sex discrimination. Her salary, she alleges, has not kept pace with those of her male counterparts. Research grants have been taken away, and administrators have retaliated because of her complaints, she says.