Academic Freedom Teach-In at NYU
Freedoms at Risk Conference and Teach-In
* Saturday, February 23, 2008
* Kimmel 4th Floor–Eisner and Lubin Auditorium
* 10:00 a.m.–10:00 p.m.
The CAS Student Council is proud to announce our biggest event of the semester: the First National Teach-In on Freedoms at Risk in America!
Freedoms at Risk is an all-day, educational and interactive event featuring some of our nation’s foremost academics and intellectuals, and students and faculty from both within and outside of the NYU campus. We’ve reserved an entire floor of the Kimmel
Center for Student Life from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 23
for our Political and Academic Freedoms Teach-Ins and our evening Plenum, all of which will be completely open to the public throughout the day!
A number of accomplished and controversial figures in
politics and
academics will be sharing their experiences and
thoughts, and
engaging in discussion and debate with audience
members, including
(in alphabetical order):
* Norman Finkelstein, noted academic who has held
positions at NYU, Rutgers University, and DePaul
University where he
was recently a victim of academic repression, and
author of five
books including the international best-seller The
Holocaust Industry:
Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering,
which has been
translated into twenty-four foreign languages
* Barbara Foley, Professor of English at Rutgers
University –
Newark Campus, Chair of the “Combatting Racism Task
Force of Now” –
New Jersey Chapter, and author of such works as
Spectres of 1919:
Class and Nationalism in the Making of the New Negro
* John Gerassi, a professor of the Queens
Political Science
Department who has written a number of books on
politics and
international affairs including an official biography
on Jean-Paul
* Peter N. Kirstein, a professor of history at
Chicago’s Saint
Xavier University, author, and a nationally-recognized
advocate of
academic freedom and free-speech rights who has been
profiled in
conservative writer David Horowitz’s book, The
Professors: The 101
Most Dangerous Academics in America
* Mark Crispin Miller, currently a media studies
professor at
NYU who is active in his support of democratic media
reform; he is
also an accomplished author and has written such books
as Fooled
Again, How the Right Stole the 2004 Elections and
Seeing Through Movies
* Bertell Ollman, a Professor of Politics at NYU
and two-time
victim of academic repression (University of Maryland
and University
of the West Indies, Jamaica), who has written Dance of
the Dialectic:
Steps in Marx’s Method and many other works
* Andrew Ross, Chair of the Department of Social
and Cultural
Analysis at NYU, President of the NYU Chapter of the
Association of University Professors, and writer who
has authored
such pieces as The Chicago Gangster Theory of Life
* Abby Scher, a sociologist and writer who has
extensive research on the politics of the McCarthy
period, and has
most recently written about the abuses of freedoms by
law enforcement
agents on a local level; she is currently writing
pieces on the
concept of Islamofascism and the hysteria in the
American public that
it induces
* Ellen Schrecker, Professor of History at
Yeshiva University,
the former editor of “Academe” (the magazine of the
Association of University Professors), the first ever
winner of the
Academic Freedom Fellowship from NYU’s Tamiment
Library, and author
of No Ivory Tower: McCarthyism and the Universities,
and other works
* Michael Steven Smith, a New York City attorney
and author who
recently edited The Emerging Police State by William
Kunstler, sits
on the Executive Board of the Center for
Constitutional Rights, and
co-hosts the WBAI radio program Law and Disorder with
Michael Ratner
and Heidi Boghosian
* Lynne Stewart, a widely recognized political
activist and
attorney who is noted for representing unpopular
clients, and has
experienced extensive recent political oppression; an
advocate of the
constitutional right to due process of law, she fights
to see that
right extended to anyone who is tried within the
American legal system
* Lorie Van Auken, winner of the Glamour Magazine
“Woman of the
Year” award in 2004 for her work with the other
“Jersey Girls” in
successfully lobbying for an independent investigation
into the
events of September 11, 2001
* Richard D. Wolff, Professor of Economics at the
University of
Massachusetts – Amherst Campus, co-founder of the
political journal
Re-thinking Marxism, and co-author of Knowledge and
Class: a Marxian
Critique of Political Economy among other works
We’re thrilled to have these speakers joining us for
our Teach-In,
and we eagerly await the date. There is no charge, and
will be served! Join us for this momentous,
precedent-setting event
in academics and politics!