Canadian University Says Atheists Are Welcome to Join the Club After All

by E Wayne Ross on February 7, 2008

The Record: Blogs blast snub of atheist club

The rejection of a group for atheists and other “freethinkers” as a campus club at Wilfrid Laurier University has touched off a firestorm on the Internet.

Angry e-mails and at least 19 blogs, some with international readership, are sizzling the e-waves.

Writers professing “atheism, agnosticism, humanism, or just general non-belief” are blasting WLU’s students’ union for intolerance toward people with no religious affiliation, said Anatolijs Venovcevs, co-founder of Laurier Freethought Alliance.

The writers are particularly incensed that religion-based groups, such as Laurier Christian Fellowship, have campus club status at Laurier.