Commentary: The worsening money crisis is a smack upside the head of the college classes.

by E Wayne Ross on February 1, 2008

St Petersburg Times:

Unnatural disaster in our colleges

The worsening money crisis is a smack upside the head of the college classes.

By ERIN BELIEU, Special to the Times
Published January 27, 2008

I’ve lived in Florida for years now – I thought I was well prepared for disaster.

But at this moment there’s a catastrophe descending upon us the likes of which I’ve never seen, doing statewide damage Floridians will pay for dearly in the future. This tempest, started in the eye of Jeb Bush, has picked up wind with Gov. Charlie Crist and is now blowing away not just the frame but the foundation of our state’s higher education system. I don’t know if there are enough D batteries in the world to power us through this mess and what it’s going to cost Florida’s citizens in the long run.