‘Collective Sidestep’ on Adjuncts

by E Wayne Ross on April 14, 2008

Inside Higher Ed: ‘Collective Sidestep’ on Adjuncts

Accreditors have many detailed rules that they expect colleges to meet — requirements that relate to courses, faculties, facilities, money and more. But what about the use of adjunct faculty members — an issue that is the subject of increasing debate in higher education? What have the accreditors said or done?

“One might expect them to be in the vanguard of the debate over part-time faculty. They are not,” says a report, “Looking the Other Way? Accreditation Standards and Part-Time Faculty,” being issued today by the American Association of University Professors. The report says that accreditors generally say little about the use of adjuncts, are vague when they address the topic, and have rarely taken actions against colleges that have shrunk the sizes of their tenure-track faculty in favor of more use of adjuncts.