RNs Condemn Violent Service Union Attack at Michigan Event – Hundreds of SEIU Staff Bused in to Smash Into Meeting to Attack RNs and Break Up Conference on Union Democracy

by E Wayne Ross on April 14, 2008

RNs Condemn Violent Service Union Attack at Michigan Event – Hundreds of SEIU Staff Bused in to Smash Into Meeting to Attack RNs and Break Up Conference on Union Democracy

The California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee tonight condemned a brutal assault by busloads of purple cloaked staff of the Service Employees International Union who smashed into a conference of union members Saturday night in Dearborn, Mi. and physically assaulted women and union members who stood in their path.

“I am deeply concerned about this heightened attack on women and nurses, directed by SEIU President Andrew Stern,” said CNA/NNOC Executive Director Rose Ann DeMoro, who was scheduled to speak about the campaign for genuine healthcare reform at the banquet.

DeMoro cancelled her appearance at the event to coordinate support for CNA/NNOC leaders in California after Stern and SEIU began sending roving bands of staff to the homes of CNA/NNOC RN board members in California Thursday and Friday, stalking and harassing them.

“There is an ugly pattern here of physical abuse and tactics of intimidation that have no place in either our labor movement or a civilized society,” DeMoro said.