Outgoing U of L dean at center of investigation, attorney say

by E Wayne Ross on June 24, 2008


Courier-Journal: Outgoing U of L dean at center of investigation, attorney say

The outgoing dean of the University of Louisville’s College of Education and Human Development is at the center of the federal investigation at the university, his attorney said.

Scott C. Cox, the attorney for Robert Felner, said the investigation is looking into an allegation that roughly $500,000 in federal grant money was mishandled.

“We believe from our very preliminary investigation that he has not mishandled any funds,” said Cox, who added that Felner has “cooperated fully with federal authorities.”

Felner — who was scheduled to become the chancellor at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside next month — notified UW system officials he was withdrawing his name from consideration for that post.

“Dr. Felner is concerned that this is going to create a problem, even if it’s just a perception problem at the University of Wisconsin,” said Cox.

David Giroux, the UW System spokesman, confirmed Felner’s resignation has been accepted by System President Kevin Reilly.

U.S. Attorney David Huber confirmed in a statement Friday that a criminal investigation is under way on campus involving the university, federal law-enforcement agencies and his office.

The investigation was triggered by university officials who became concerned that federal grant money may have been mishandled, Cox said.

The U.S. Postal Service and U.S. Secret Service are investigating the case jointly with the U.S. Attorney’s Office, he said. As part of that investigation, the agencies seized documents and a computer from Felner’s university office on Friday.