CUNY union opens up debate on contract, kinda

by E Wayne Ross on August 7, 2008

Inside Higher Ed: CUNY union opens up debate on contract

The Professional Staff Congress, the faculty union at the City University of New York, is creating a forum in which some criticisms of a proposed contract will be made widely available. The union has been questioned by critics of the contract, especially adjuncts, about its reluctance to let them send e-mail messages to the membership (even with opposing sides) offering reasons to reject the contract. Barbara Bowen, president of the union, has now announced that it will create a special Web page and will let members of the Delegate Assembly (who backed the contract, 92-13) post brief explanations of why they voted the way they did. While the Web page is now likely to have more exhortations to accept the contract than to reject it, the union rank and file will have direct access to arguments on both sides of the issue.