The Tenth Anniversary Issue of Cultural Logic is now online.
Contributions include:
Roland Boer
“Socialism, Christianity, and Rosa Luxemborg”
Philip Bounds
“George Orwell and the Dialogue with English Marxism”
Paula Cerni
“The Age of Consumer Capitalism”
Stephen C. Ferguson II
“Social Contract as Bourgeois Ideology”
Grover Furr and Vladimir Bobrov
“Nicolai Bukharin’s First Statement of Confession in the Lubianka”
Catherine Gouge
“‘Amibivalent Technologies’ of American Citizenship”
Bruno Gulli
“Early Plenitude: An Essay on Sovereignty and Labor”
Katerina Kolozova
“The Project of Non-Marxism:
Arguing for ‘Monstrously’ Radical Concepts”
John Maerhofer
“Aimé Césaire and the Crisis of Aesthetic and Political Vangardism ”
Michael Mikulak
“Cross-pollinating Marxism and Deep Ecology:
Towards a Post-humanist Eco-humanism”
Terence Patrick Murphy
“From Alignment to Commitment:
The Early Work of James Kelman”
Ronald Paul
“”To turn the whole world upside-down’:
Women and Revolution in The Non-Stop Connolly Show ”
Philip Tonner
“Freud, Bentham: Panopticism and the Super-Ego”
Hristos Verikukis
“Popper’s Double Standard of Scientificity in Criticizing Marxism ”
Ivan Cañadas
Christos Tsiolkas, Dead Europe
David Hursh
Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine
Peter McLaren and Nathalia Jaramillo, Pedagogy and Praxis in the Age of Empire
Howard Pflanzer
Robert Roth, Health Proxy
Louis Proyect
Amazing Grace
Charlie Samuya Veric, Tamara Powell, and John Streamas
E. San Juan, Jr., Balikbayang Mahal
Christopher Barnes
Dave Bruzina
“Boom” and “The Committee Dissolves”
Iftekhar Sayeed
George Snedeker
“The History Lesson” and Other Poems