British Columbia: ‘UN’ university should be cut off, professors say

by E Wayne Ross on November 7, 2008

National Post: ‘UN’ university should be cut off, professors say

‘Something smells’; World Trade school an ’embarrassment’ to British Columbia

A private university erroneously touted by the B. C. government as a “United Nations mechanism” is really a failed experiment that should be terminated before causing the province “further embarrassment,” says a group that represents B. C.’s public university professors.

“Something smells” at World Trade University, declares Robert Clift, executive director of the Confederation of University Faculty Associations of B. C. (CUFABC). Yesterday marked the third anniversary of special provincial legislation giving the institution university degree-granting status, yet the school still has not opened for business and its founder and chief executive is rarely heard from any more.

Based on an old military base in Chilliwack, an hour’s drive southeast of Vancouver, WTU is the brainchild of a jet-setting, hyperbolic Bangladeshi-Canadian. Sujit Chowdhury has told legislative committees and media that, among other things, his school has campuses around the world, that it is formally tied to global institutions and that he has been nominated for a knighthood.