Education, Empire, Economy & Ethics at a Crossroads
Eastern Michigan University
Ypsilanti, MI
May 14-17, 2009
The theme for the 2009 Rouge Forum Conference is: “Education, Empire, Economy & Ethics at a Crossroads: What Do We Need to Know and How Can We Come to Know It?”
Bringing together academic presentations and performances (from some of the most prominent voices for democratic, critical, and/or revolutionary pedagogy), panel discussions, community-building, and cultural events, this action-oriented conference will center on questions such as:
What is the nature of the crossroads, where do the different paths lead, what are our choices and how do we implement them?
What does education for liberation look like compared to education for empire? Class struggle?
Are we at a turning point in history? Has the rightward shift stopped or will the economic crisis push the ruling class towards fascism?
What are the implications of 2008 election ballot initiatives?
How do education, empire, economy, ethics, and democracy intersect in classrooms and schools?
How do we learn and teach to get from where we are to where we need to be?
How can we educate to liberate ourselves from the impact of empire? OR, How are we teaching to push back the imperializing of our classrooms?
How do we stand up for the correctness of our ideas?
How does change happen (individually, within a school, within a district)?
What support, what conditions facilitate teachers being willing to take the step towards correct action?
To learn more about the conference, please contact any of our conference organizers:
Joe Bishop (
Greg Queen (
Adam Renner (
Wayne Ross (
Rich Gibson (
Review of Paper Proposals treating any of the above questions will begin 1 February 2009. Please send a 250-500 word proposal to Joe Bishop (, describing your work/project/manuscript, how it connects to one of the conference questions, and what participants might take away from attending your session. Classroom teachers and students are strongly encouraged to send their proposals.
Performance Proposals should also be forwarded to Joe Bishop ( by December 15, 2008. Please describe your art/performance and how it may relate to the conference topic/questions.