Canada’s top court refuses to hear B.C. unions’ appeals about one-day strikes

by E Wayne Ross on September 8, 2009

Canadian Press: Canada’s top court refuses to hear B.C. unions’ appeals about one-day strikes

VANCOUVER, B.C. — Two prominent British Columbia unions have lost their bid to have the Supreme Court of Canada decide whether a pair of one-day walkouts were Charter-protected political protests or illegal strikes.

The teachers’ and health-workers’ unions staged separate walkouts in 2002 and 2003 to protest a provincial law that stripped their collective agreements – walkouts the province’s Labour Relations Board ruled were illegal.

The B.C. Teachers’ Union and the Hospital Employees Union had challenged the board’s definition of a strike, but the top court’s decision not to hear the case upholds a B.C. Court of Appeal ruling that the walkouts were strikes even if they lasted for just a day.