The Chronicle: U. of Louisville’s Grawemeyer Program Awaits Outcome of Allegations Against Prize Winner
The University of Louisville’s Grawemeyer Awards program is monitoring developments regarding allegations against Greg Mortenson, an author and philanthropist who was recently named the winner of the program’s education prize, The Courier-Journal reported. The CBS program 60 Minutes has alleged that two books Mr. Mortenson wrote about his efforts to found schools for girls in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Three Cups of Tea and Stones Into Schools, contain inaccuracies and that some of the schools he claims to have founded do not exist. Allan Dittmer, executive director of Grawemeyer Awards, said officials hoped the reports were unfounded and had made no decision about whether to go ahead with the award or rescind it. “At this stage of the game, it is hard to know where this is all going to end up,” he said. The Courier-Journal reported Mr. Mortenson’s selection as the winner last week. The awards program’s Web site states only that an “announcement is pending.”