California: Protest by College Newspapers

by E Wayne Ross on December 6, 2006

The New York Times: California: Protest by College Newspapers

A week after the University of Southern California barred the editor of the student-run newspaper, The Daily Trojan, from being reappointed to a second term, college newspapers nationwide planned to publish identical editorials today denouncing the action as a betrayal of “the fundamental value of the press,” according to an advance version of the editorial. Michael Broukhim, a senior at Harvard University who helped organize the unusual effort, said at least 18 college papers, including The Trojan, were planning to publish the collaboratively written editorial. Zach Fox, The Trojan’s editor in chief, resigned Nov. 28 after learning that the university would override the vote of the newspaper’s student staff, which had re-elected him to a second term that month.