BC teachers defiant

by E Wayne Ross on October 12, 2005

Vancouver Sun:

Teachers defiant
B.C.’s labour movement put on a strong show of support for striking teachers Tuesday with demonstrations around the province, including a boisterous gathering of about 2,000 trade unionists and members of the public outside the provincial cabinet offices in Vancouver.

Parents’ lawsuit seeks damages
A class-action lawsuit that alleges negligence by striking teachers, their union and their union president has been launched in Victoria.

The Globe and Mail:

Taylor rules out wage increase for teachers
If the British Columbia’s Liberals give teachers a pay increase, they’ll face a “revolution” from other public servants who saw their wages remain unchanged this year as part of B.C.’s public-service wage freeze, the province’s Finance Minister said yesterday.

Teachers v. law
British Columbia’s 42,000 public-school teachers obviously have serious grievances against the provincial government, grievances that should not be taken lightly. It’s also plain that their bargaining relationship is dysfunctional, as the government itself acknowledges. The proof is that the two sides have repeatedly been unable to reach a negotiated settlement, regardless of which party has been in power. But that does not justify the teachers’ decision to flout the law by staging an illegal strike.

BC teachers, government playing game of chicken
Striking teachers and the B.C. government are playing a high-stakes game of chicken to win public support in a thorny dispute that has shut down public schools since Friday and kept 600,000 students out of classrooms.