Advocate of Intelligent Design Loses Appeal in Tenure Fight

by E Wayne Ross on June 4, 2007

The Chronicle News Blog: Advocate of Intelligent Design Loses Appeal in Tenure Fight

Iowa State University’s president, Gregory L. Geoffroy, has denied a tenure appeal from Guillermo Gonzalez, an assistant professor of astronomy. Mr. Gonzalez’s tenure case has generated controversy because of his performance and his personal beliefs: He had a strong publishing record when first hired, and he has been an outspoken advocate of intelligent design. He has published a book on the concept, which holds that some form of intelligence has helped shape the universe and life within it.

However, Mr. Gonzalez’s publication record has dropped off considerably since he was hired at Iowa State. In a written statement, Mr. Geoffroy referred to that record as part of his reason for denying the tenure appeal. “I independently concluded that [Mr. Gonzalez] simply did not show the trajectory of excellence that we expect in a candidate seeking tenure in physics and astronomy — one of our strongest academic programs,” Mr. Geoffroy wrote.