Tenure Dispute at DePaul Ends With a Settlement and Professor’s Resignation

by E Wayne Ross on September 7, 2007

Inside Higher Ed: Finkelstein and DePaul Settle

Wednesday was supposed to be the day of the big showdown at DePaul University. Instead it turned out to be the day of the big compromise. DePaul and Norman Finkelstein, the professor to whom it had denied tenure, announced that he was resigning immediately. The university and Finkelstein even managed to say some nice things about one another. But while Finkelstein will be leaving, some at the university and elsewhere believe that significant academic freedom issues raised by his case are very much alive.

The Chronicle: Tenure Dispute at DePaul Ends With a Settlement and Professor’s Resignation

A long-running battle between DePaul University and the controversial political scientist Norman G. Finkelstein reached an anticlimactic conclusion here on Wednesday as the professor announced his decision to resign from the university.