National teachers union shoot for $40,000 base pay

by E Wayne Ross on November 8, 2005

Burlington Free Press: National teachers union shoot for $40,000 base pay

The new Colchester teachers contract means starting pay for teachers in the district will jump from $30,506 to $34,575.

The new sum — though hard-fought by the union — remains significantly below the National Education Association’s goal of $40,000 base pay for all public school teachers across the nation. Only a few Vermont schools approach the union’s goal, and many are a good $12,000 below it.

Still, leaders of the Vermont-NEA and local union chapters across the state are working to improve pay for new teachers on the grounds that it is critical to attracting high-quality employees to schools.

Boston Globe: Union wants base pay of $40,000, Vt. short of that

Vermont has a long way to go if it wants to meet the new goal of the National Education Association: annual base pay for starting teachers of $40,000 nationwide.

The teachers’ union argues that improving base pay is the key to attracting top college graduates into the classroom, and that base pay as low as $28,000 in some Vermont schools has hampered recruitment.