Florida Lawmaker to Forgo Pay in University Job

by E Wayne Ross on March 25, 2008

Inside Higher Ed: Florida Lawmaker to Forgo Pay in University Job

A Florida state senator is giving up her $120,000-a-year position at a university reading research center that she was instrumental in helping to create, four days after Inside Higher Ed first publicized the arrangement.

An article on this site last week highlighted the appointment of Sen. Evelyn J. Lynn to help Florida State University get a new outreach center for its Florida Center for Reading Research off the ground on Lynn’s home turf of Daytona Beach. While Lynn was a longtime teacher and administrator in the schools of Florida’s Volusia County and has a doctorate in instructional leadership and administration, the arrangement drew scrutiny because, as head of the Senate’s education committee in 2006, she worked to ensure that language creating the center made its way into legislation.