British Columbia: 19 UBC students arrested in protest

by E Wayne Ross on April 9, 2008

Vancouver Sun: 19 UBC students under arrest

Nineteen students protesting the loss of a favourite meeting spot at the university are being held by police in Vancouver

VANCOUVER — Nineteen students were arrested at the University of British Columbia Friday night after an open-air gathering became what UBC RCMP are calling a “volatile situation.”

The students were socializing at the tail-end of an eight-hour music and social event dubbed “Knoll Aid 2.0,” which was being held to protest ongoing campus development and the expected loss of a well-loved public space — the grassy knoll outside the student union building.

A six-minute video posted on YouTube
(warning: coarse language) shows several dozen students chanting “save the knoll” as they gathered around a pallet-fueled bonfire that was lit near the knoll Friday evening.