New Group Seeks Resignation at WVU

by E Wayne Ross on May 8, 2008

Inside Higher Ed: New Group Seeks Resignation at WVU

The pressure continues to build on West Virginia University President Mike Garrison to resign in the wake of a scandal over the granting of an unearned degree to the governor’s daughter and a no-confidence vote from the Faculty Senate. A new faculty-led group, Mountaineers for Integrity and Responsibility, formed Wednesday with a set of goals: to encourage the removal of President Garrison, work toward the installation of a qualified successor, and influence the enactment of legislation to change the selection process for new presidents and members of the Board of Governors, according to Boyd Edwards, a West Virginia professor of physics and the group’s chair. “When I saw President Garrison’s response to the no-confidence vote by the Faculty [in which he indicated plans to retain his post] I thought that we really need to organize ourselves and do everything that we can to restore the good name and the integrity of the university,” Edwards said. The group had between 25 and 30 people at its inaugural meeting, he estimated. Members are planning an all-faculty meeting for Wednesday.