Faculties Are Liberal Because Conservatives Don’t Seek Academic Careers, Study Finds

by E Wayne Ross on January 18, 2010

The New York Times: Professor Is a Label That Leans to the Left

The overwhelmingly liberal tilt of university professors has been explained by everything from outright bias to higher I.Q. scores. Now new research suggests that critics may have been asking the wrong question. Instead of looking at why most professors are liberal, they should ask why so many liberals — and so few conservatives — want to be professors.

Inside Higher Ed:New View of Faculty Liberalism/Why are professors liberal?

That question has led to many heated debates, particularly in recent years, over charges from some on the right that faculty members somehow discriminate against those who don’t share a common political agenda with the left. A new paper attempts to shift the debate in a new direction. This study argues that certain characteristics of professors — related to education and religion, among other factors — explain a significant portion of the liberalism of faculty members relative to the American public at large.