Quebec Students Flood Montreal in March Against Tuition Hikes

by Stephen Petrina on March 22, 2012

Photo by Dave Sidaway, The Gazette

Historically, at least over the last fifty years, Quebec students have been immensely successful in checking the powers of government and universities from unilaterally raising tuition and other expenses for higher education.  Large, focused, unified, and sustained protests by Quebec students over the years have been influential in keeping tuitions among the lowest in Canada.  Knowing this, there is no way the students will back down from this latest and increasingly vocal series of small resistances and large demonstrations, protests, and strikes.

Today in Montreal, “tens of thousands of activists filled Montreal’s downtown core Thursday to protest tuition increases. Students demonstrating Thursday in Montreal and across the province, say higher fees mean higher debt for them and their parents. The protesters reject the government’s position that student aid, offered to about 35 per cent of students and based on a system of loans, will ease the debt burden.”

Read more Montreal Gazette