From the category archives:


Ohio: OU faculty close to unionizing

by E Wayne Ross on November 4, 2008

Puerto Rico’s Teachers Beat SEIU Raid

by E Wayne Ross on October 27, 2008

Ohio: SSCC faculty circulates ‘protest’ letter

by E Wayne Ross on October 27, 2008

AAUP to Investigate Closing of Antioch College

by E Wayne Ross on October 20, 2008

In Search of Self-Governance, Unionization?

by E Wayne Ross on October 15, 2008

Ontario: Post-doc fellows at UWO unionize

by E Wayne Ross on October 8, 2008

AFT and AAUP Announce Joint Organizing Campaign

by E Wayne Ross on September 18, 2008

Why labor unions are good for labor

by E Wayne Ross on September 15, 2008

AAUP Turns to Scholar of Higher Education

by E Wayne Ross on August 28, 2008

Did a Union Doublecross Its College Activists?

by E Wayne Ross on August 22, 2008

Union secretary wins pay rise in tribunal

by E Wayne Ross on August 11, 2008

Politics Has Dissidents Talking to A.F.L.-C.I.O.

by E Wayne Ross on July 20, 2008

Tenured radical’ tries to revive professors group

by E Wayne Ross on July 20, 2008

Faculty considers possible unionization

by E Wayne Ross on July 15, 2008