Like Verena and Brenda, I have a bias ag…

Like Verena and Brenda, I have a bias against gaming. A lot of the games I have “played” were lame or low-level thinking. The one game that I really enjoyed during my high school years was “All the Right Type”. It was fun and easy to play, and you can set a goal for yourself ex. 100 WPM. You will then compete with the computer typing at the speed limit you set. The graphics were simple but it was alright because that’s not the main focus.

It seems difficult to present knowledge content in a game setting.. because most knowledge content is probably going to be text, and too much text in a game is a big turn off. On the other hand, simulations.. or skill building games like All the Right Type seem to be more successful..

Though I enjoyed playing “All the Right Type”, I must say that I really had fun with “Typing of the Dead” when it came out . 🙂


Posted in: Week 05: Game-Based Learning